Tuesday, January 11, 2011

#9 Flying Dog Dogtoberfest

Never been one for these kind of light beers, but it's from the brewing company capitalizing on/affiliated with (one or the other, who cares) the legacy of the the fantastic Dr. Hunter S Thompson.

I mean, it's not my thing, but it's clearly high quality. Drinkable. It's definitely strong with a smoky flavor, and it puzzles me, that when those things are something I prize so highly in a dark beer that they elicit only a shrug for me in a lighter one? Do I judge a beer by its color instead of the content of its character? God forbid! But those German pilsner-ish Octoberfest lagers always have this undertaste to them that I just don't cotton too.

Dah well, I took a shot at a new breed of beer.

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