Thursday, January 13, 2011

#12 Body Heat

I really love me a totally unrepentant femme fatale: Jane Greer in Out of the Past, Linda Fiorentino in The Last Seduction, and the one whom Kathleen Turner in this movie has been most compared to, Barbara Stanwyck in Double Indemnity.

This kind of femme fatale is one without some poor me back story that in any way justifies her actions. Conniving is just second nature to her, not even a willful act, just an instinct as natural as breathing. And it's just riveting guilty pleasure to watch her at work.

Watch that noose tighten and William Hurt stay willfully oblivious and post-coitally stupified the whole time. He never had a chance

Oh man, and Micky Rourke? Young? HamanaHamana! Who'da thunk it? Man I gotta watch more 1980s Micky Rourke. Dancin' Ted Danson? Frickin perfect addition.

Does this make me want to rewatch Double Indemnity? Of course, but more in the way that Kiss Kiss Bang Bang makes me want to rewatch The Big Sleep and less like the way that the wake of Scary Movie makes me yearn for Airplane. Neo-noir that flies dangerously close to one of the classics of that period, but has enough going for it that it doesn't crash and burn.

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