Wednesday, March 2, 2011

#45 Adventures of Brisco County Jr.

Really not sure what took me so long? Maybe the certainty that I'd like it. And the shame that comes with it. I know, I know, I'm late to the party by darn near 20 years.
But god I love Bruce Campbell's sincere B-list cheesiness. And this show suits him perfectly. Nobody is more equally hilarious when thrown out a window, or when hitting on a woman, than Bruce.
It's got an almost Back to the Future, old-fashioned rollicking adventure, with an undercurrent of optimism. But with these strange, winking touches that remind me of the Tick.
Second disc was less enthralling than the first, so I'll be giving it a break for a bit, but the next time I really need something dumb and fun, I'll move it up in the queue.

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