An argument in the back of a taxi cab. Jessie does not want to let go of her Early American Colonial love story.
"John Smith did not boff Pocahontas. She was 13 when they met."
"That doesn't mean anything, you know how those colonists were. They'd screw anything that moved."
"She may or may not have saved his life but they were just friends."
"Yeah, we all know what THAT means"
"She married another Englishman, John Rolfe then fucked off to Blighty to go die of smallpox. Not John Smith."
Lucy cuts the argument off by finding a clip of Colors of the Wind on her blackberry, starting a singalong in the back of the cab. "How has Kate Bush not covered this song?" she wonders.
My attempted initiation into the Jersey Shore earlier that night had failed because the sound wasn't working at the diner, but I got the gist. Drinks and text supervision at Union Hall where a guido scolds Jessie for staring at his shirt too long trying to figure out what it said. "I see you. Staring at my tits. I'm not just a piece of meat you know!"
And on that's time to cab it north. Much soul searching at the local pub. Think I agreed to take the GRE. Not sure how I feel about that.
Today's jukebox selection - maybe something modern for damn once. I know I tend to leave modern music out of my diet. Florence and The Machines. Just found them today on a whim. The first song is MTV Britpop style junk, I know it, and just might endorse dating abuse. However I can't ignore that I listened it about three times in a row first time I heard it. Damn I am a sucker for fuzzed out fast-paced rock and roll, there are few questionable messages that it can't gloss over. Wikipedia says that it's in Jennifer's Body, probably why I recognized it. God, it may have been flawed, but that movie's existence makes me so very happy. The second one is evil and creepy. Two qualities I just can't resist in a song. The other stuff of hers I found I just couldn't get into though.
Off to find Friday Night!
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